Blog Extra Credit
Blog Extra Credit
- Kathyleen Beveridge:
- Background:
- Career/Jobs:
- NPI gate Stage:
- Kris Porter:
- Background:
- Career:
- Projects:
- Questions
- Insights/Summary
- Mission statement: "Not only to survive but to thrive with passion, compassion, humor and style
- HP mission statement: Create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere
- One commonality between her companies was that they were all focused around helping the people and giving the people what they need
- Got a job at a startup in 2010 which launched his DevOps career
- DevOps is important to prevent DDOS and to prevent hackers from accessing your site
- Geo fences can be used to send messages to users when you are close to their stores
- "Continous learning" - Always learning new skills to apply to new challenges and jobs
- It is important to be able to speak code to other people and communicate to them if they arent able to understand it
- Her biggest challenge was that Qualcomm would accquire other companies so she would have many new team members and she had to learn to be adaptive
- Interviews in the IT jobs can be difficult because code must be from scratch and work without any errors
- Navigating the new job repos and new tools can be difficult but you must take time to adapt to it.
- From the speakers I have learned that you should pursue your dream job and the career path you want. All the speakers also had important insight into how you should work with a team. They highlighted the fact that teamwork relies upon adaptability and being agile, so you can fill multiple roles in a company and get along with many people. Another important thing learned was to develop your critcal skills and always learning. Kris Porter emphasized "continous learning" to always gain new skills with a new job or new role in a company. My key takea